Jubilee Hall
Regular Clubs & Meetings
We are very lucky to have a wide range of regular meetings for our youngest to our oldest parishioners and neighbours.
Our Current Regular Clubs & Meetings Are:
Toddler & Baby Group - Monday 9.30-12.30pm []
Ladies' Boxing Fitness - Monday and Wednesday 18.00 to 19.00 [Kristie Herd:]
Fitness - Tuesday 10.00-11.00 [Christine Willcocks:]
​Pilates - Tuesday 11.30-am-12.30 [Claire Southcott:]
Tai Chi and Qigong - Tuesday 13.30 to 14.30 [Rob Walsh: or 07483227536]
Art Club - Wednesday 10.00-12.00 [Pam Farr:]
Short Mat Bowls - Wednesday 10.00-12.00 [David Brown: & Vickie Hickman:]
Bridge - Wednesday 2.00-4.30pm [Laurian & Michael Cooper:]
Kingsmead Bowls - Thursday 7.00-10.00pm [Vickie Hickman:]
Strictly Dancercise - Friday 09.30-10.30am [Linda Wyeth:]
Table Tennis - Intermittent Sundays 10.30-11.30 [Josh Wedderkopp: 07985279862 / James Duncan: 07972219329]
Parish Council - 2nd Monday of the Month 6.30pm - all welcome []
The Local Police Beat Meetings - usually 3rd Wednesday of the month 2.00-3.00pm []
Friendship Circle - alternate Fridays 11.00am-12.30pm [Pam Farr:]
Jazz Night - 2nd Wednesday of the month [Mike Dillon:]
Cafe Plus - usually the 3rd Saturday of the month 10.00-12.30 []
BudVue Community Cinema - usually the 3rd Saturday of the month 7.00-10.00pm []
Download the club list here. If you have an idea for a club then do contact us. We would love to offer more, for example a youth/social club, and our parish Community Fund could help with setup costs.
As well as these meetings, we are privileged to host regular NHS Blood Donation sessions. If you would like to contribute please find details on the Blood Services Website.
BudVue Cinema Club
Langford Budville's Community Cinema!
About BudVue​
We exist as a monthly community event, as much about providing a friendly local atmosphere as enjoying interesting and entertaining movies. Door open at 7pm with half an hour to visit the cafe or bar, catch up with friends or enjoy the 'shorts'. Booking is not necessary but you are most welcome to pre-order tickets via our email (
On the night we accept cash or card, with the bar serving ice cream, soft drinks, wine and a variety of beers. You are most welcome to bring your own refreshments if you wish but do heartily recommend the delicious ice creams available at the intermission as they help tremendously with us covering our costs!
We look forward to welcoming you to the show!
Doors open at 7pm, with showings commencing promptly at 7:30. Cost: £6 per person
This Season's Films
Thelma - The Critic - Small Things Like These - Conclave

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